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The social program includes excursions to the most beautiful places located on the South Black Sea coast in the district of Nessebar.
The welcome party will take place at Sol Nessebar Palace on Tuesday evening, September 30, 2014.
A half-day sight-seeing trip will be organized to the old Nessebar, Salt museum, Thracian tomb and Wienery.
The Salt Museum in Pomorie which is the only museum in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe specialized in the production of salt through the natural evaporation of sea water by the sun’s heat.
Thracian beehive tomb is archaeological cultural monument of national significance, presenting the Thracian cult to the ancestors. The tomb-mausoleum is located inside a high earth mound. It is built entirely of brick and is the largest, disclosed in Bulgarian lands..
Winery tour will be organized for tasting different varieties of wine and grape, the production area and the beautiful views of the vineyards and the black sea coast.
The ancient town of Nessebar is situated on a romantic rocky peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow causeway. The town has a century-old history and it has preserved architectural monuments from all periods in its thousand year existence. There are the remains of the Roman and Medieval walls, the Byzantine and Bulgarian churches and the old houses from 18th and 19th cc.
The conference dinner will be held in Friday evening, October 3, 2014 and it’s included in registration fees.

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